Sunday, August 30, 2009

Going Out of Business

As of two minutes ago, CH Web Design, formerly known as Good Works Web Design, is now officially closed. It's taken me a year to get to this point and while I'm not having second thoughts I am a little bit sad. What happened two minutes ago? I emailed final invoices to my two remaining clients.

I've had my business since December 1999. Wow, that's a long time. For the first seven years it was called Good Works Web Design. Then in 2006 I let a business consultant convince me to change it. A decision I regret a little bit.

It's a shame the web design business in general never evolved. A reliable and affordable web designer/developer is as hard to find today as it was 10 years ago. There's as big a gap in the market now as there was in the late nineties. This baffles me. A couple of months ago, one of my competitors tried to get me to stay in the business. It struck me as ironic because I've been referring my clients to him for more than a year now.

So now, perhaps, I can do something with my evenings besides sit in front of a computer, if I can get away from Facebook.

1 comment:

Julie said...

Momentous! I was just thinking about how Good Works represented to me such a change in your life on so many fronts. Glad you'll have more time.