Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Why I woke before the alarm

Those pesky neighbors, the ones with guns and drugs, had a little excitement at their house early this morning. Those are not party lights, they're police cars, firetrucks and at least one ambulance. Thomas and I even got to see flames coming out of the house. Their name is Friends. Go figure.


Susan said...

You forgot to mention the bomb/arson truck out there too. Must have been that rumored pesky meth lab.

Julie said...

Wow - for those that haven't actually seen how dark the view can be from your front porch that is REALLY a lot of light out there!

Kim said...

Oh my God! That was the only thing I didn't like about living there. Those people made me nervous, but you had to be friendly to them. My guess is also a meth lab. I hope the Mom (the much older Friend) doesn't live there anymore.